FUAM has been supported by Istanbul Development Agency for developping a focus on photobook.


OPEN SPINE is the second workshop organised by FUAM in Istanbul (TR) and it will involve Nico Baumgarten and me as tutors.

Together we will discuss a wide range of books (not all of them being photobooks) and take a careful look on their form and contents to find the key to your own work. We will work on practical aspects of bookmaking – editing, sequencing, choice of materials – and on other important aspects like the diffusion and distribution of your book. We are looking for a diverse range of projects. No matter how long you have been working on yours, we would like to help you to get a new, unique and inspiring book out there. Get more info and send here proposals: tell us why you feel your project should become a book.


Hope to see you soon in Istanbul!


-credit for the picture to Nico-